Friday, March 28, 2014

I Want Your Stories!!!!!

Hello again, everyone!

I am currently working on turning Treadmill Tales into a book! 
What's a book, you ask?

.... oh dear.....

You know, those things that sit on shelves with paper on the inside.
Like what's in your tablet, but real.
An "ebook" without the "e".

Now you're with me.

However, to make this book everything it can be, I need your help!  If you have a hilarious workout story, I'd love to include it in my book.  Feel free to email me, and we'll make it happen.

While you're here, go get your copy of my first novel, "An Unusual Path"

Stay tuned for updates!

For more updates on me, my books, and all other things random, Follow me on Twitter at @jhchampine.

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